Matti Malkamäki, Aurelia Turbines


What is your current position in your organization and, in brief, what is the most interesting content for you in your current work?

In Aurelia Turbines I am the CEO and Founder of the company. The most interesting content for me – I think there are two at the moment. Firstly, I got invited by European Commission into European Clean Hydrogen Alliance CEO Roundtables and by the Finnish hydrogen cluster into its steering group. In the steering group, I head the EU Networks workgroup. This all gives me a truly awesome view of all the things happening within the hydrogen revolution in Europe. I’m so honoured to be able to affect this development personally. The second item is the technology; I am a “turbine-nerd” if you will, and to be able to sometimes just dig myself into the turbine world – it soothes my mind. A bit like mind-yoga, if you will.

What does internationalization mean to you personally and for your organization?

It is everything. I’ve lived now for 14+ years in Berlin (though returning to Finland later this year) and before this, I was living some years in the UK and almost made my way to the USA... For me, I don’t see the world being “international”, I think rather than it is “just the world”. For example, here in Europe, I see almost bigger differences between people using different on-line tools than their nation. Concerning other countries of course the time differences come into play, etc. But don’t get me wrong – I do understand people from different countries have different cultures and habits. I just see it as enrichment, not something I should be afraid of.

Regarding Aurelia, well, we think that more or less 100% of our products will be shipped abroad so this should give the perspective about how important the international business is for us.

Read the program and sign-up for the event Internationalization – what’s entrepreneurial ecosystems got to do with it? 22.3.2021 at 14-16.00