Opinnäyte- ja harjoitustyöt

Opinnäyte- ja harjoitustyöt ovat erinomainen tapa saada uutta osaamista yrityksesi kehittämiseen. Voit teettää myös lyhyen toimeksiannon projektityönä. Voit esimerkiksi tarjota opiskelijalle aihetta kandidaatin tutkielmaan tai diplomityöhön, antaa opiskelijoiden ratkaista yrityksesi ongelmia kurssitöiden muodossa tai esitellä yritystäsi luennolla.

Olemme koonneet syksyllä 2020 englanninkielisen infopaketin kursseista ja opinnäytetöistä, joista löytyy Greenreality Network -yrityksille sopivia yhteistyömahdollisuuksia. Mukana on esimerkiksi energia-, kone- ja tietotekniikan sekä kauppatieteiden projekteja.

Katso alta opinnäyte- ja harjoitustöiden sekä projektitöiden vastuuhenkilöiden yhteystiedot, jotta voit ottaa yhteyttä juuri oikeaan henkilöön ja aloittaa keskustelut yhteistyöstä. LUT-yhteyshenkilöiden sähköpostiosoitteet ovat muotoa: etunimi.sukunimi@lut.fi. Muiden organisaatioiden osalta löydät osoitteet alta yhteyshenkilöiden kohdalta.

Technology and engineering science project work
Michael Child
Head of the Bachelor’s Programme in Technology and Engineering Science
Research Areas: Energy, Engineering
LUT School of Energy Systems

LUT Project work course in Environmental Technology – Opportunity for companies to connect and work with BSc degree students
Sanni Väisänen
Head of the Bachelor Programme in Environmental Technology
Associate Professor
Research areas: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and carbon footprinting, biofuels, land use GHG emissions, Life Cycle Costing (LCC), renewable energy systems, circular economy, sustainability assessment.
Sustainable Solutions, LUT School of Energy Systems

BSc thesis or Projects in Mechanical engineering
Kimmo Kerkkänen
University Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Head of Bachelor’s degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
Research areas: mechanical engineering, machine design, engineering design and modelling
LUT School of Energy Systems

Research-driven projects, BSc & MSc Theses from LUT Energy School
Petteri Laaksonen
Research Director
LUT School of Energy Systems

MSc thesis projects in environmental impact assessment studies
Mika Horttanainen
Professor of waste management technology
Research Areas: Environmental Engineering, Renewable Energy
Sustainability and the Environment, Waste Management and Disposal
Sustainable Solutions, LUT School of Energy Systems

BSc and MSc Theses in Energy Technology
Ahti Jaatinen-Varri
Associate Professor, Laboratory of Fluid Dynamics
Head of the Degree Programme, Energy Technology
Research areas: Turbomachinery, centrifugal compressors, turbines, blowers, experimental and numerical research.
LUT School of Energy Systems

Internationalization, Entrepreneurship and Marketing – Project work and MSc Theses
Olli Kuivalainen
Professor of International Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Research Areas: Business and International Management, Management of Technology and Innovation, Marketing, Strategy and Management
LUT School of Business and Management

Hackathons and applied BSc/MSc theses in software engineering
Jussi Kasurinen
Associate Professor (tenure track), Software Engineering
Research areas: Organizations, Software testing and quality, Software processes, Entertainment Software Engine.
LUT School of Engineering Science

Project-based courses, BSc/MSc theses and code-camps for Industrial and Software engineering
Ari Happonen
Associate Professor, Head of Computer Science Bachelor programme
Research areas: Business Informatics and real use cases of ICT in business) Software Engineering & software automation and Information Science
LUT School of Engineering Science

Software engineers for Green Deal and Sustainable solutions of tomorrow – Open collaboration with companies for thesis
Jari Porras
Professor in Software Engineering
Research areas: Software for sustainability, Innovation, Technologies and approaches for Communications, Parallel and distributed computing, Networks (social, technical, business), Education development
LUT School of Engineering Science

Other forms of collaboration: links to connect talented students to open job-opportunities
Elina Hannikainen-Himanen
LUT, Career Services and Firmatiimi

Visma Solutions – Cooperations at LUT campus
Inka Lampinen
Talent Acquisition Specialist Visma Solutions
inka.lampinen( at )visma.com

Opportunities for employment of international students
Kaisa Vainikka
Student Agent and Project Manager
LAB, TalentHub Etelä-Karjala
kaisa.vainikka( at )lab.fi

Opportunities for employment of international students
Tuula Hämäläinen
LAB, Project Manager: “International workplaces and experts in South Karelia and Kymenlaakso”
tuula.hamalainen( at )lab.fi

Opportunities for employment of high school students
Mari Kankkunen
Project manager
The city of Lappeenranta, Welfare and education services industry
Kimpinen High School
mira.kankkunen( at )edu.lappeenranta.fi

Katso myös Sanni Väisäsen video, jossa kutsutaan yrityksiä yhteistyöhön LUT-yliopiston kurssin Project work course in Environmental Technology kanssa: VIDEO

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